Name of activity: Prepare a name monster
Venue: Respective classes
Time duration: 2 periods
Teacher incharges: Ms. Bhavna and Ms. Monika
Symmetry in art is a great way
to teach realistic drawing skills and math to your students. When children
create the same pattern on both sides, their understanding of right and left
and overall spatial awareness enhances. While learning about symmetry, children
learn to identify and differentiate between the patterns which helps sharpen
their visual perception. Maths club has organized an activity for class 6 based
on symmetry under the guidance of their maths teachers. After completing this
activity students understand the concept of reflective symmetry and axis of
symmetry which is the imaginary line along which an object can be folded or be
divided into two identical mirror halves. Students participated
enthusiastically and made this event a grand success.